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One of my most requested videos is for my morning routine. Having a solid routine really sets the tone for the day, and it’s been a total game changer for me! If you want to learn a few tips on how to build one to set yourself up for a healthy and productive day… then just keep reading!

Tip #1

Get yourself two different alarm clocks. Yes, two! Keep one alarm clock by your bed for your first alarm. I like the sunrise alarm clock because it wakes me up with simulated natural light for a more natural wake-up.

Put the second alarm at the other end of the room, so you have to get out of bed to turn it off. For this alarm, I like to use something that requires me to solve a puzzle or take a photo of something in another room. My favorite tool for this is the Alarmy app! This helps keep me standing for a long enough time that I don’t get back into bed.

Tip #2

For those cold mornings, keep a heater and some cozy slippers next to your bed. The heat will keep you comfortable and take away the temptation of getting back into your warm bed!

Tip #3

Even if you use your phone for one of your alarms, DON’T be tempted to check your emails or social media. This will only be a distraction to your fresh mind! Instead, get ready to go straight to your first task of the day. For me, this is working out!

Tip #4

Get your workout done first thing in the morning. It’s the perfect time to workout, and it will give you that much more energy in the morning! Plus, for me, my brain doesn’t work yet, so my body can do all the things without understanding what’s happening, lol.

Tip #5

Tying into tip #4, prepare your workout gear the night before. This way, there is no time wasted digging around your closet or trying to figure out what you need to put on, because it’s already done for you. Every night I do this, I’m guaranteed to wake up and have a successful morning!

Tip #6

Last but not least, take five minutes to fill out your planner and map out your day. Having a plan in place will allow you to easily CRUSH those daily to-do’s, and get you that much closer to achieving your goals!

And there you have it! Morning routines can be a difficult task to tackle, so I hope these tips help give you a foundation to build your BEST morning routine yet. Share your fave tips in the comments!

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Writer's pictureAngie Bellemare

During this busy time of year, I thought it would be a good time to touch on something that I have struggled with in my daily life, especially when traveling… anxiety. If you’re struggling with anxiety, girl, I’ve been there and it sucks. It can pull you down into a dark place, be incredibly debilitating, and ruin your life. I was once on medication for it, and am proud to say that I am no longer taking it. Today I’d love to share some tips with you that have helped me, and if one or all of these tips can help you, then I’ll be a happy gal. Let’s dive right in!

1. Cap screen time

Scrolling your newsfeed and being on specific apps can make you feel a certain type of way and be triggering to your anxiety. Try to track what apps you’re on and figure out if you’re mindlessly scrolling and feeling worse after that. Here’s a tip: go into your phone settings, select screen time, and set a time limit for those apps. Alternatively, if there are specific apps that trigger you, delete them, or turn off your newsfeed.

2. Books to help

Read some books about anxiety to try to help you understand more about anxiety and reworking your brain. A few of my favorites are The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins, Calm the F*ck Down by Sarah Knight, and Switch on Your Brain: The Key to Peak Happiness, Thinking and Health by Dr. Caroline Leaf. I personally love listening to the audiobook versions. It’s not only soothing, but it makes you feel like you’re watching a movie without the screen time!

3. Set boundaries

One of the reasons you could be feeling anxious is because you’re lacking the boundaries you need to protect your peace. Boundaries can definitely be in reference to people, but we also give our energy to the news, headlines, and other things that are out of our control. Tying back into screen time, remove or steer clear certain apps, accounts, channels, and even people that trigger you. Build a fortress around your mind and protect it at all costs!

4. Use a workbook

Find a goal-oriented workbook, such as My Dream Life Blueprint Workbook by the Daily Grind. A workbook where you’re focused on your goals can not only be a welcome distraction, but it could also be a key pivot point. Instead of focusing on all of the things that are making you anxious, you’re focusing on what you’re excited about!

5. Area music

Music helps a ton, but specifically area music has changed my life! Instead of having a silent house, play some area music throughout the house. This drowns out the outside world like sirens, traffic, etc. and puts you in a different state of mind. I love Disney area music! Some of my faves are Disney’s Sequoia Lodge and Calmed by Nature.

6. Bath reset

If you’re in a bad state of mind (anxious, on edge, antsy, etc.), take a bath and relax for a little while. Adding some essential oils like lavender, eucalyptus, or peppermint can also make a big difference!

7. Read fiction

Toward the end of the night when I’m trying to unwind, I reach for a good fictional book. This can be mind-numbing and help take you out of your own head.

8. Go for a walk

Getting outside and going for a walk is a great way to ground yourself. Take in the fresh air and focus on the forward motion!

Relationship tip: when trying to discuss a hot topic as a couple, walking can be so helpful. It’s non-confrontational as you’re walking in the same direction, instead of facing each other or walking away from each other. Plus, you’re public so you can’t get too crazy, lol.

9. Dance it out/do a workout

You’ve got to get the anxiousness out of your body, and a great way to do that is to dance it out to some great music! If dancing isn’t your thing, try doing a workout to get your body moving. On days where I’m feeling anxious and I haven’t worked out, I now know that’s why!

10. Diet & levels

Keep a food journal and take note of what you’re eating when you’re feeling the most anxious. Now, I don’t mean going on a detox and taking away the things that make you happy… I would actually advise against that. Journaling will simply help you identify any foods that might be triggering your anxiety. Through keeping a food journal, I learned that if I have red meat, without a doubt, I end up being super anxious.

Something else that might be contributing to your anxiety is being deficient in a certain nutrient. Get your levels checked, and use supplements to help get those levels where they need to be.

11. Get creative

If you’re a creative person, make time in your day to be creative, such as painting, drawing, or whatever activity makes you feel happy.

12. Self care

Along the same lines of getting creative, do things that make you feel good. A little bit of self love can go a long way! Use a gua sha tool or face mask to give yourself a spa experience. If doing your makeup or nails makes you feel good, do it! Just be sure you’re taking the time to make yourself a priority each day.

13. Meditation

Meditation is an amazing tool to help calm the mind. The best part is that you don’t need much time to feel the benefits. I do a 5 minute meditation every day, and that 5 minutes changes the course of my day!

14. Grounding

If you feel like it’s too quiet and you’re alone with your thoughts, this exercise can help! I always do this when I’m feeling very anxious.

  • Take 3-5 deep belly breaths, and notice your breathing. 

  • Focus on 5 things that you can see around you.

  • Focus on 4 things that you feel.

  • Focus on 3 things that you can hear.

  • Focus on 2 things you can smell.

  • The last one is something that you can taste, however, I usually switch that to something that I’m grateful for.

15. Get excited

Try pivoting your anxiousness into excitement or gratitude. Focus your energy on what you’re excited to achieve in the next year. If you can progress on one little thing, you will be happier. That feeling of progress is amazing! Progress equals growth, and growth equals happiness. This can help you shift your energy so quickly!

These last few tips are related specifically to flying anxiety:

16. Essential oils

I know it might sound simple, but oils really help! Just smelling them can affect your mood and promote calmness. Depending on what kind of oil you have, you can put it on a cotton ball and simply smell it, put it on your skin, or mix it with body lotion. Just be sure to double check how to safely use your oil of choice! There are oils made specifically for anti-anxiety, but obviously make sure there’s no funky stuff in them. A good lavender oil can really make a difference as well!

17. Slipper socks

Take your shoes off and put slipper socks on so you’re more comfortable, especially for long flights.

18. Wear a beanie

This one is so random, but wearing a beanie almost makes me feel like I’m in my own little bubble, and it helps a ton!

19. Multitask

Trick your brain! Go through a workbook or planner so your brain doesn’t have time to think about what’s going on around you, like the noises, turbulence, etc.

20. Over ear headphones

Put on some headphones, watch something on your tablet and tune out everything around you. Don’t watch a stressful movie, like a horror or thriller. Instead, keep it light and choose something positive. I love watching funny movies or the Housewives series because it’s so mind-numbing!

The last thing I will leave you with is some food for thought. Ask yourself, “what am I actually afraid of?” If you can identify the answer, it might help you understand more about what’s going on in your brain and how to deal with it.

It always feels good to talk it out, so I hope at least one of these tips can help you this season and beyond. If you have any other tips that work for you, be sure to drop them in the comments so I can check them out!

298 views1 comment
Writer's pictureAngie Bellemare

One question I get asked a TON is how I decorate and style my tiered trays. They’re one of my favorite ways to display my seasonal decor pieces and add some personality to any space! Today I’m going to walk you through my process, so if you’re interested in learning more… then just keep reading!

Step 1: Pull out all of the decor you want to use, and sort the items by category or color.

Even though your tray will be a mix of different pieces, you’ll still want it to be cohesive. I always recommend sorting your items out first so you know what you have to work with from the get-go, and don’t get overwhelmed during the process.

Choosing a few colors for your tiered tray is always a great way to start! I also love a good theme, like “Hocus Pocus” for Halloween, or Santa and Mrs. Claus for Christmas.

If you’re starting from scratch, don’t worry dude… this can totally be done on a budget! Some of my favorite places to shop for decor are Homesense/HomeGoods, Marshall’s, Amazon, Etsy, Target, and Michael’s.

Step 2: Place your tray where you want it displayed.

This might seem like a silly step, but trust me… trying to move a full tray can be a straight up disaster, lol.

Step 3: Start with the larger pieces that matter the most to you.

These are the items you want to be your focal point. You’ll want to space them out across the different tiers of your tray.

PRO TIP: Any go-to mugs you’ll actually be using should go in the back. This helps make the tray look more full, while making the space useful and functional!

Step 4: Fill up the front of your tray with smaller pieces.

Remember, you aren’t limited to using mugs only on your tray. There are so many other things you can use to fill the space! Look for things like sugar and creamer sets, salt and pepper shakers, espresso cups, cocoa tins… there are SO many options!

You can use different sized decor to your advantage, but make sure the smaller items aren’t blocking the ones in the back! If you’re having trouble fitting things in, you can always lean them over.

Step 5: Fill the blank spaces.

Get creative! I love using small candles, measuring spoons/cups, ornaments, wrapped or fake candy, straw toppers, etc.

Step 6: Fill the mugs you won’t be using.

Fill your empty mugs with things that will add some height, like picks, sticks, and straws. Faux whipped toppers are also super fun to use! This will help make the tray look more full.

Step 7: Don’t be afraid to use the overflow space of your tray!

If you’re left with more pieces you want to use, or they’re just too big to go on your tray, put them in the space next to it!

I hope this helped you get a better understanding of the “method behind the madness” of building a tiered tray. Now go have fun building yours, and don’t forget to tag me! I love seeing your creations!

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