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  • Writer's pictureAngie Bellemare

The Magic of Lucky Girl Syndrome: How Shifting Your Mindset Can Attract More Opportunities

We’ve all heard about the so-called “unlucky” number 13, right? Well… what if we could flip that narrative? In some cultures, the number 13 is considered lucky, and today, we’re taking a similar approach as we explore the concept of “Lucky Girl Syndrome.” It’s a mindset shift that goes beyond gratitude practices and dives into recognizing life’s subtle gifts, or as I like to call them, “ghost winks.”

Woman speaking

Lucky Girl Syndrome is all about noticing those little moments in life that feel like coincidences—tiny serendipities that, when acknowledged, seem to multiply. It’s not about forcing gratitude, but rather tuning into these small “winks” from the universe. Ever had a moment where you thought, “Wow, that was perfect timing!”? That’s Lucky Girl Syndrome in action.

The more you start to notice these little moments, the more they seem to show up. This ties into the Law of Attraction. When you start focusing on something, whether it’s a dream car, a cute pair of shoes, or a new career opportunity, you begin to see it everywhere. It’s not about magical thinking; it’s simply a matter of being more aware of what's already around you. As a result, you attract more of that energy and positivity into your life.

I’ve always had a soft spot for physics (not so much biology or chemistry), and Lucky Girl Syndrome makes total sense in that context. It’s like Newton’s third law: for every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction. When you put positivity and focus out into the world, it comes back to you.

Woman with a suitcase

By shifting your mindset to notice the positive, those little winks from the universe will start showing up more frequently. It’s not about being overly optimistic or ignoring life’s challenges; it’s about choosing to see the good in those moments. Who wouldn’t want to attract more of that?

What if, instead of feeling overwhelmed by everything happening in your life, you believed it was all working out for you, not just to you? Even when things feel tough, like a missed opportunity or a delayed goal, what if that delay is setting you up for something even better?

Imagine missing a flight only to meet someone who ends up being a life-changing connection, or losing out on one job only to land an even better one shortly after. The point is, we don’t always see how things are falling into place until later. What if every setback is actually setting the stage for your next big win?

To give you a real-life example, let me share my house-hunting experience. For over a year, my husband and I were on the hunt for our dream home. We looked at dozens of houses… more than 40, to be exact. Some were too expensive, some were underwhelming, and others just didn’t feel right. It was a frustrating and emotional journey, filled with moments where I didn’t know if we’d ever find the one.

Then, one day, we stumbled across a house that gave us all the right feelings. When I went back through my emails, I realized something wild. I had discussed that same house with my dad a year prior when it was listed at a higher price. At the time, I hadn’t paid much attention to it, but then, the house was back on the market, at a lower price, and we had the chance to buy it. Talk about a ghost wink! The timing couldn’t have been more perfect, and I believe it was meant to be.

Couple standing outside

As we waited to sell our previous home, I had adopted a more patient mindset. The delay was for the best; it gave us time to transition at our own pace, without rushing into anything. Everything unfolded exactly as it should have!

So here’s my challenge to you: start paying attention to the little things happening in your life. What moments have felt like “right place, right time” to you recently? Whether it’s something small or life-changing, take note of it. Recognize that these moments aren’t just random, they’re part of the bigger picture, working in your favor.

By shifting your perspective and noticing these subtle gifts, you’ll start to see how much more beauty and opportunity life has to offer. Instead of dwelling on what’s going wrong, focus on the things that are going right, and watch how your world transforms.

I’d love to hear your own Lucky Girl moments! Drop a comment below and share something that’s happened to you recently that made you feel like the universe was winking at you. Let’s spread the positivity and keep those good vibes flowing!

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